As many of you know, Marie attends as many of our HLC meetings as she can. She has been our biggest advocate when it comes to any and all of our issues including insurance ratees, rising maintenance costs, and possible huge assessments for the buildings who may need to satisfy the ELSS requirements. I do not recall in my 25 years in Hillcrest any other State level official doing as much for us as Marie has done. Remember that it was she who got vaccines set aside for Hillcrest when COVID hit. She has been a loyal champion for Hillcrest since she first got elected. We are very lucky to have her at the state level and Commissioner Idelma Quintana representing Hillcrest at the local level.

Marie works so hard that she had to be reminded that she needs to start campaigning to get re-elected! I am not kidding! That woman is selfless which is why this invitation is so last minute. See attached. Please stop by Friday night to support her campaign.


Thank you!