Greetings Hillcrest Residents,

Summer is supposed to be a time to relax. But with the pace of historic news events hitting us like a storm, this summer may have felt a little more tense than usual. Despite the tensions many of us are experiencing, I hope that residents in Hillcrest have found plenty of time to relax and enjoy our beautiful home this summer with your friends and family. With so many hot days, it is always worth taking a minute to find a place to cool off and enjoy the tropical paradise we call home. We even got to enjoy a championship parade with our Florida Panthers!

2024 may shape up to be a particularly divisive year. But it is also an opportunity to learn and grow from each other! Hillcrest is one of the most civically and politically engaged communities in all of Broward County. Residents of Hillcrest know that even with heated debate at the top of the ticket, there are so many important local races and issues that also deserve our attention this fall, from the School Board to our municipal races to our judicial contests. Hillcrest residents will help us in having a peaceful, productive conversation about the issues that define our democracy at all levels. Make sure to check your voting address and registration status at!

Solid Waste
Hillcrest residents have long asked me perceptive and important questions regarding solid waste and recycling. The good news is that the past few months have seen Broward County take some of the most significant steps on solid waste and recycling in many years. Our Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials Processing Authority, which I co-chair, has formally hired and brought on its first Executive Director, Todd Storti. Todd is a longtime leader in the industry with a specific background in environmental solutions and sustainability. In addition, the Authority has formally hired a Master Plan consultant. The Master Plan will be a guiding blueprint to allow us to actually implement the solutions necessary to reduce waste and increase recycling. This plan will include facilities recommendations and a major educational component. We held a formal kickoff for this Master Plan process in June. Your input will be needed, so please stay tuned. We also received our Waste Characterization Study, which examined all of the waste stream in Broward County in order to provide the data needed to determine what kind of system we need moving forward. This report was filled with fascinating tidbits – including that 34% of waste was compostable, and another 30%+ was recyclable! We can go a very long way towards reducing and reusing our waste, and this study provides the data needed to move forward. 

Contact Us
Our District office is conveniently located within the lobby of the Hollywood Branch of the Broward County Public Library at 2600 Hollywood Blvd, next to Hollywood City Hall. My District office staff is available to you from 10 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday.  My staff is also working from my office in Fort Lauderdale and from other locations within our District. The Fort Lauderdale office is open for your convenience Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call 954-357-7006/7790, or email me at