Dear friends and neighbors,

As this issue of Inside Hillcrest reaches your hands, our state has experienced two major hurricanes in the span of two weeks. While those of us on the southeast coast were spared direct impact, we are indirectly affected in many ways, both immediate and in the long term. There is something about the common thread of being human that affects us when we witness the suffering of other human beings. We feel a tightness in our chest when we see all that our neighbors to the north are experiencing. Knowing that we too could suffer similarly, we want to help, and we want to know that someone will be there to help us in our time of need.

In preparation for Hurricane Milton, the Hollywood Emergency Management, Police, Fire Rescue, Public Works and Public Utilities Departments were all on high alert to help you, if you should need it. The Communications and Marketing Department also played an essential part in helping us all prepare for the possibility of a weather emergency. Having the information, we need so that each of us can be storm ready can make all the difference.

Did you know that the City of Hollywood has launched a new emergency notification system called Alert Hollywood? Alert Hollywood notifies residents through phone calls, e-mails and/or text messages to mobile phones of an emergency in the community such as a hurricane watch or warning, flash flood warning, tornado warning, serious police situations and other critical incidents. To learn more about Alert Hollywood and register to receive notices, visit this link – Alert Hollywood | Hollywood, FL – Official Website (

As I reflect on what we’re seeing in the storm’s aftermath in affected areas, several things become clear. Following official guidelines for individual preparation is key. The strong commitment of a local government is only one part of the equation, the participation of citizen volunteers before, during and after a storm is critical.  I am so proud to represent Hillcrest and to see the way that Hillcresters look out for one another every day in ways that are big and small. It is by caring for one another that we will get through challenging times and uncertainty. Special appreciation goes to Marcia Skupeica for her efforts to organize the “Hillcrest Angels” and to the City of Hollywood Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) for their volunteer efforts.

As always, if you have a question, a concern or a great idea, please reach out to me at