Get one! It saves you a lot on electricity and clean-up is a breeze! Whenever we make ANYTHING, we ask ourselves if we should try cooking it in the air fryer. Vegetables are a big “hell yes”! And not just French fries. Any kind of fish is great in it. The drawer styles are the best. We have a Ninja that we like.

My daughter bought a Cosori which is bigger than my Ninja and she even makes pork chops in it. Just Google anything you are thinking of cooking and if the recipe works better in the air fryer than in the oven, you will get instructions. 

We always put anything that would normally be fried in oil in the air fryer but now we have branched out and use it instead of broiling for 6 oz. lobster tails.  They came out PERFECT. Our air fryer won’t hold more than 3 because there are only two of us, but they cook so fast two batches don’t take long.

1. Butterfly the lobster tail. Cut through the top of the lobster lengthwise but not all the way through to the shell. Spread the shell apart and using your fingers, gently pull the lobster meat so it sits on top of the shell but still connected at the end. Rinse the meat off and remove any vein.

2. Mix together any type of butter baste to your liking.  Melt butter with garlic powder, parsley, lemon juice – whatever you like. Make sure you have at least ½ cup.

3. Season the lobster with salt and pepper. (Smoked paprika is good too). Then coat both sides of the lobster meat with the butter sauce.

4. Place lobster tails in the air fry and cook at 380 degrees for 4 minutes. Baste with more butter and cook for another 4 minutes. Check the bottom – you may need another minute or so.

5. Serve with additional butter sauce and lemon wedges. 

OR if you want to broil them in the oven, preheat to broil, put the lobster on a baking sheet and baste them before you put them in the oven. Cook for 5-10 minutes and baste them again halfway through.


Tyson makes air fry chicken breasts and they make a GREAT sandwich. If you want some killer honey mustard, go to Publix, and look on the top shelf of the mustard section for Honeycup Mustard ($5.01 per jar but worth it).  Put 2 breasts in the air fryer for 12 minutes. Toast a bun and spread with honey mustard. When the chicken is done, put it on the
bun.  Easy peasy.  I put fresh spinach on all our sandwiches just to add some healthy.


As many of you know, any Hillcrester can call my partner Brian when needing advice about repairs or remodel issues. Often, he can fix it himself or he knows who they should call if it is something more complicated. He helped our neighbor Mimi with a small repair and as a thank you she gave him an applesauce cake.

It was OVER THE TOP, OFF THE CHAIN DELICIOUS! I begged her for the recipe which turns out to be one of those that goes back generations and Mimi graciously gave me the OK to share. I made it myself and used ¼ of the ingredients. I didn’t have raisins so use Craisins soaked in strong turmeric tea and Triple-Sec liqueur. Mimi uses Crisco shortening and I used canola oil. Bottom line: her cake was better.

Here is the back story: “I am so happy to share this family recipe.  It started with a recipe from the New York cookbook that the children’s grandmother would always send at Christmas time.  When she was no longer able to do that, I took over the duties and it became our family tradition.  We start baking the cakes before Thanksgiving and continue through the holidays. 

The secret to this recipe is the soaking solution for the raisins.  Since they are already VERY plump when they are added to the batter, they no longer absorb the moisture from the cake, but rather add to the taste and the rich moisture of the cake.  The cakes can be preserved in the freezer for several weeks, and when the cake becomes a little dry, slice a few pieces, put them in the toaster for a very light toast, add cream cheese and enjoy!

This recipe makes at least 3 large loaf pans and a few cupcakes.  For family baking using half of the recipe is normally enough.”