Posts filed under: ARTICLES

Our physical bodies are made up of what we feed them – food, water, the air we breathe. Likewise, our...
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2025 Homestead Exemptions If you applied and were approved for Homestead Exemption for tax year 2025, this exemption will post to your...
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Greetings Hillcrest Residents, School is back in session. Summer is winding to a close, as students go back to class,...
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Marcia Skupeika, Hillcrest 23, our Hillcrest Angel Team Leader makes it happen. Marcia emailed the City and the folks at the Circuit shuttle service to see about getting...
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Dear friends and neighbors, September has been a busy month. I had the privilege of attending the groundbreaking ceremony of...
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We had a problem with small roaches, mainly in our kitchen area. Regular pest control did not seem to be...
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At the Sept. 5 Hillcrest Leadership Council meeting at 1151 Hillcrest CT, in Rec Room 2, Cindy Abraham, Secretary of...
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Have you heard that phrase made famous by Benjamin Franklin when he said, “in this world nothing can be said...
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Greetings Hillcrest Residents, Summer is supposed to be a time to relax. But with the pace of historic news events...
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In recent years, navigating the real estate market has been challenging, partly due to the prevalence of less experienced and...
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